Discover The Exact System Used To Help Thousands Of Women And Moms Lose Excess Weight & Shape Their Physique - WITHOUT Deprivation, Giving Up Eating Meals With Their Family, Or Spending Hours A Day Doing Cardio

REVEALED: An Inside Look At How I Became A Published Fitness Model After Kids


During This Free Training, You Will Learn:

  • How my clients have lost excess weight and reshaped their bodies without following a restrictive diet or wasting hours on the treadmill
  • Why anyone who wants to "tone up" should avoid fitness classes
  • The reason dieting does more harm than good to the body (that the weight loss industry doesn't want anyone to know)
  • The biggest mistake almost all moms - even the savvy ones - are making with their workouts
  • My 4-Step System, The Fit Mom Method, that's helped thousands of women get in fitness-model shape (even after kids)

...and so much more!


Meet Your Host

Tijana Daly, aka Daly Dose Of Health, is a Team Strong Girls Body Transformation Coach, Holistic Nutritionist, and Certified Personal Trainer with nearly a decade of experience in the industry.

She's helped hundreds of women and moms transform their physique and strength while eating more food, training in less time, and taking the confidence they gain in the gym to all areas of their lives.

Tijana is a mom of two boys who lives in Ontario, Canada with her family.

To find out more about Tijana, you can follow her on Instagram @dalydoseofhealth